1. Keep Your Facilities Busy


1.  Keep Your Facilities Busy

One of the core determinants of how well you can make progress in any base-building MMO strategy game lies in your ability to multitask. It can be a little overwhelming at first, especially if you are a beginner in the genre, but in a bit of time, cycling across each facility and processing queue becomes a routine that anyone can easily manage.


One of the important structures you need to constantly click on are the production facilities. There are various types of these facilities in Puzzles & Survival, each with its own unique resource to produce. The farm produces food needed to train units. The lumber mill produces wood, which is a basic resource needed for buildings. The virology lab is essentially unique as it produces antiserum needed by your heroes to level up.


Later on, a steel plant and gas field will become available as well. Each of these structures produce basic resources by the minute and their level relates to how much they can produce and hold. You can choose to claim resources any time but it is best to not leave them at max capacity.



Next up are training facilities that provide you with troops. The trap factory is essentially similar to the training structures and produces traps to help defend you base from attacks. Upgrading these facilities will enable you to train or produce higher grade units, tremendously your overall power.


The research facility is unlike other structures that provide you with a single type of product in the form of military units or basic resources. The research center is a little more critical in the sense that you can choose on which aspect of warfare you would want to invest in first.

Research options are divided across 4 different aspects namely: development, economy, military, and fortification. Each one is important and will lead to an advantage but some will have to be prioritized over others, especially since you can only lodge 1 research at a time.


Development relates to the basic functions of your camp like construction, research, and training, which makes it the most important option to invest in at the early part of the game. Economy can also boost your performance early on as every bit of research on it improves the production and harvest of basic resources. A more enticing option would be the military tree, given that its focus is on your army’s strength. With a peace barrier early on, though, you can save this for later just before you ready yourself for battle. Fortification is like the other end of military and focuses instead on the defensive strength of your wall, traps, and defenders.


Beyond the structures, the most important aspect of base-building that you need to constantly keep running is the builder, which is your means of constructing and upgrading structures within your base. By default, you will only have 1 builder and each new upgrade takes a lot more time to complete. You can purchase an extra builder for a day and the first one is free, so be sure to take advantage of it and continuously utilize it as best as you can.


One dichotomous choice to consider is whether to go for construction and upgrades that complete faster or those lined up in the quest line but takes a lot more time to complete. In some cases, some upgrades will be dependent on the level of other buildings, which leaves less choices on what to build or upgrade next. For best results, it is best to consider 1 builder for long constructions and the other for quicker ones. If you have to leave the game, then that would be the best time to consider construction queues that take a while to complete.


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