.Join An Alliance As Soon As You Can


6.Join An Alliance As Soon As You Can

Guilds, factions, clans, and alliances are almost synonymous with online games, most especially MMORGs and MMO strategy games. While in some cases, being in an alliance unlocks extra features and becomes a source of additional rewards, the importance of joining one in Puzzles & Survival is crucial to your survival.

Fortunately enough, you will be able to join an alliance almost as soon as you start diving into the world of Puzzles & Survival. Finding the right alliance simply means finding an active enough alliance with a lot of members. In case you have yet to venture into looking for an alliance yourself, it may happen that you will receive an invite from a newly created one.

There are a lot of benefits to earn from simply being a member of an alliance but, for the most part, what you can gain from one relates largely on how active you are. For starters, being an alliance can help cut down queue times in construction, training, and research. As soon as you start any of these activities, you can tap on the icon atop the structure to ask your fellow alliance members for assistance. Each ally who chooses to send aid will cut down queue time for each of your pending processes.

In a similar manner, you should also keep tabs on the appearance of the help icon at the lower right side of your screen. Tapping on it send you to the alliance help page and you can choose to send help to all alliance members with a click of a button.

Regularly visiting the alliance tech to donate resources for your alliance’s growth is also among the regular duties you should accomplish. Unlike in most strategy games where there are hard limits for daily contributions; Puzzles & Survival makes it so that you can continue to make donations aher a short cooldown period.

Be sure to always check the alliance window whenever indicators appear as there are various activities you can partake in as an alliance member. As soon as you feel that you will be staying with an alliance long, you should choose to relocate your base to the alliance territory.


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