1. Expend Stamina In The Outside World


1.  Expend Stamina In The Outside World

Puzzles & Survival actually incorporates both an energy system and a stamina system to delimit some of your actions. You need energy to take on campaign stages while stamina is consumed whenever your troops are deployed outside your camp. As you are most likely busy managing your base and multitasking to the limit to ensure an efficient level of growth and progression, it

is possible that you might forget about the adventures and explorations waiting to be

world as well as scouting for threats and potential targets, form part of the regular activities you should engage in Puzzles & Survival. One of the earlier activities you will be introduced to is taking out NPCs scattered across the map. These NPCs have very visible levels attached to their icon and you should take on the lowest levels first before proceeding to tackle the next one.



Various resource spots are available on the world map as well where you can deploy your troops to gather as much basic materials as they can carry. In time, these resource spots replenish their supply. Take note that even if you have your truce shields on, your troops are vulnerable to attack once they move outside your base.


Zombie Lairs are much more challenging to take on than other NPC enemies. Assaulting one is best done in a rally and you should time ventures into it whenever a lot of fellow alliance members are online and available for a rally. Large amounts of antiserum can be earned from Zombie Lairs so one successful raid on it will help you level up your heroes to some extent


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7. Accomplish Quests For Extra Rewards

.Join An Alliance As Soon As You Can